Okay so I guess I'm finally making it official...my New Year's Resolution is to live more authentically and more in line with my beliefs. These beliefs are to take the absolute best care (within my abilities) of myself as well as the planet. To me, this means "going vegan". Wow. That's feels weird to say (or write). Really weird. So weird that I almost don't believe myself. Okay, well I don't expect to be flipping the switch on January 1 and actually I probably won't be giving up everything animal-based for at least a few months but I've decided that is where I want to put my focus right now...outside of searching for a job and school, of course. I have to say, it feels pretty scary and that's probably why...no, that IS why...I haven't already made the switch.
Scary because I really really enjoy my occasional steak and salmon, chicken wings from Teresa's Next Door, artisan cheeses, and sushi! OMG! I will most definitely miss cheese and sushi the most. Okay. Okay. Deep breath. That is why I'm not flipping the switch on January 1 but instead taking baby steps.
I received my associates degree in nutrition in 2004 and for quite a few years now, I've been stating my intention (mostly to myself...and a few others) of eating a diet consisting of organic whole foods and use products, both beauty and cleaning, that are organic and nontoxic. I'd dabble a little bit here and there but kept finding excuses why I couldn't make these changes. Mostly they were related to lack of time, space, and money. I felt they were all legitimate reasons and not excuses at all. Duh.
Earlier this year I saw the documentary Food Inc. and more recently I saw Forks Over Knives. Both movies reinforced my desires...but my fears were still strong enough to prevent me from acting. It was a few months ago, at a local community event, where I proclaimed my desire to live more authentically and more in line with my beliefs of taking the absolute best care of myself as well as the planet. It's time.