WOW! I started to watch the video found in the following post but found it waayyyyyyy to disturbing...I honestly could not turn it off fast enough, it was extremely violent. Sooo, please only watch it IF you can handle that. Clicking on the link below brings you to The Vegan Vine's post does not open the video itself.
That said, the information in The Vegan Vine's post (link below) is much easier to digest and I felt it was important to share because it really hit home for me as a large part of my choice to go vegan. Basically, I could no longer feel just in supporting an industry that does this. I realize that they are not all treating their animals this way however in an effort to ensure I am not supporting this atrocious behavior, I choose to end my support of both the meat and dairy industry. For many years, while eating meat, I could not get myself to think about where the meat actually came from. And, that was the only way I could eat the flesh of an animal. And, now that I do think about what exactly it is and how it ends up on my plate, I have no desire to eat it. Honestly, it makes me pretty queasy when I do. This time last year, I actually told a vegan friend that I loved meat too much to give it up and now I know that I love animals too much to allow them to be put through any type of torture or killing so that I can enjoy a juicy piece of flesh for a few minutes.