Monday, January 31, 2011

The Politics of Food

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Last week, I was horrified to learn that the USDA removed all regulations and restrictions on Monsanto's Genetically-Engineered (GE) alfalfa (USDA Newsroom Transcript). Yesterday, I read some disturbing information about Whole Foods and other known organic food companies that said that they were giving in to Monsanto (OCA Article). Last night, I read the Non-GMO (Genetically-Modified Organism) Project's response to that article which put Whole Foods (et al) in a much more favorable light (Non-GMO Project Article). So now, I am absorbing all that information.

Today, the USDA unveiled the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and much to my pleasant surprise...they favor vegetarian and vegan diets! Wow! This feels like this is such a huge step...although I'm still not at all happy with the USDA for their doings last week. Also today, I came across a petition to let President Obama know that I'm not happy with the USDA's decision last week to deregulate Monsanto's GE alfalfa (Organic Trade Association Public Policy link).

So, I've been watching a lot of documentaries lately about the food industry and the benefits of eating a plant-based diet. I've learned that the meat and dairy industries are supported by the USDA, the USDA has even sponsored some commercials for them. In the latest news out of the USDA office about the Dietary Guidelines, I am happy that they are encouraging people to eat more fruits, grains, veggies, and legumes but they could do better still, they don't happen to suggest to Americans that they could benefit greatly by eating less meat and dairy. Baby steps, I guess. Eventually I hope they will address this but for now I will be happy they've come this far. I look forward to the first legume commercial! "Beans Beans they're good for your heart...the more you eat, the more you...." oops, maybe not.

Documentaries I've watched so far...
Food, Inc.
Forks Over Knives
The Future of Food (watch for free on
Chow Down (watch for free on
Super Size Me (watch for free on

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