Monday, March 21, 2011

Struggling...with a capital S.

I started the Engine 2 Diet a week ago today and I have to say that yesterday I pretty much decided that it wasn't for me. In it's entirety anyway...and at this point in my journey. Why? Because I'm so accustomed to throwing my (vegetarian) meals together quickly, without any much or any planning, with olive oil and sea salt, and without many herbs and spices. Therefore, I'm finding that, for me, the E2 diet is going to require a immense amount of my focus and commitment, both of which I'm struggling with right now and both of which I need for other important projects.

The other reason why I don't feel E2 is working for me is because I'm really feeling deprived. I'm sure it's my own fault since I'm not willing to put the time and effort into creating a meal plan and trying all the delicious recipes in the Engine 2 Diet book. I did make the Mac and Not Cheese tonight and it was good, although if compared to Mac & Cheese it would lose (in yumminess) BUT it is most certainly a tasty and healthy substitute.

But don't fret, I'm absolutely not giving up my vegetarian journey...and, after one week of being (for the most part) a Engine 2 Firefighter, I now know that my transition from vegetarian to a vegan diet will be a breeze. Actually, I guess I've transitioned. Although I have decided that, in order for myself to not totally throw in the towel, I need to get back to my personal diet rules. They are to (1) keep it super simple by focusing on healthy whole foods as much as possible and (2) allow myself to enjoy the things I love in moderation (no depriving).

So, I will continue to eat a plant-strong diet and I will also allow myself to have olive oil, sea salt, and non-dairy ice cream/sweets in moderation. I will most certainly be more conscious of the amount of oil, salt, sugar, and processed foods that I consume and do my best to keep them all as low as possible because even extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, and raw sugar can be contributors to poor health if you consume too much.

Healthy Eating!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Plant Strong

Yesterday morning, I went to the awesome Whole Foods Devon to see the equally awesome Char Nolan about the Engine 2 Diet 28-Day Challenge...I'm sure it's just as awesome. Well, I already knew about the challenge and was already fairly certain that I wanted to do it but as the day approached, I felt my resistance growing. I've wanted to eat a plant-based diet for quite a few years but have kept getting in my own way of reaching that goal. Well, I'm finally the eve of my brand new and long-awaited healthier lifestyle. Right now, I am feeling very excited and nervous...but mostly excited.

Despite having stopped eating all animals two and a half months ago and having given up milk and most other dairy more than four months ago, I find my biggest resistance with letting go of sugar. This might give you more insight as to why... for breakfast every morning, I'd enjoy a bowl of Kashi Heart-to-Heart cereal with sweetened almond milk and coffee with two teaspoons of raw sugar and soy creamer. Yummm...and yes, very sweet.

I was mistaken, apparently the Engine 2 Diet allows raw sugar. YIPPEE! Although, I'm pretty certain that cutting sugar out of my diet entirely would be the best thing but I also know that if I feel as though I am depriving myself then it will feel like the bad word "DIET" instead of a positive change and I want to ensure this is for the long haul and not ever feel deprived.

So, tonight I did the task of going through my pantry, fridge, and freezer and packed up all the foods I will no longer eat...including olive oil, salt, and all processed foods. I even decided to return a bag of frozen food that I bought more than two months ago to Trader questions asked.

Tomorrow I begin and I have put an end to my resistance, I decided that I'm willing to exchange my Kashi cereal for Ezekiel cereal with fruit and unsweetened almond milk but I'm also keeping my coffee with two teaspoons of raw sugar and soy creamer...for now anyway. After breakfast, I will take my new and improved shopping list and head to Whole Foods to stock up on the essentials plus.
